Visa Acquiring Plaid: A Tartan over a Killer Acquisition? Reflections on the risks of harming competition through the acquisition of startups within digital ecosystems

Frédéric Marty
1 min readNov 28, 2020

A Cahier Scientifique published by the CIRANO (Montréal) authored with Thierry Warin on the issue of killer acquisitions.

The applicability of the notion of killer acquisition to digital platforms has long been debated. The case of the proceedings brought by the U.S. DoJ against Visa is even more interesting insofar as it makes it possible to illustrate and discuss its different facets ranging from the notion of competition suppression to that of consolidation and extension of the dominant position. The complaint analysis also makes it possible to question inter-digital ecosystem competition and shed light on the issues related to the monitoring of acquisitions undertaken by dominant companies in the sector.



Frédéric Marty

Chercheur en économie au CNRS : Droit et économie de la concurrence / CNRS Research Fellow - Competition Law and Economics